Study Mode & Class Schedule
part-time_1200 part-time_1200

2 years / Weekday evenings and/or Weekends

full-time_1200 full-time_1200

1 year / Weekday evenings and/or Weekends

Assessment Methods

The assessment methods of the programme follow the Grade Point Average (GPA) System set by Hong Kong Baptist University to assess coursework and examination performance.  In addition to the final written examination, continuous coursework assessments including tests, quizzes, case studies, presentations, projects, and simulated exercises are used to optimise learning.

Assessment Methods Assessment Methods

Students are assessed by examinations and coursework. Assessments and grading for courses are based on three main elements:

  • Class Discussion and Participation

  • Assignments (individual or group projects, reports or essays, etc.).

  • Examination

The MScAAF Programme consists of 8 core courses, 2 elective courses, and 1 non-unit bearing course (a total of 30 units). 

Core Courses (24 Units)

This course establishes a framework for evaluating accounting choices and categorizing the strength of authority for particular accounting treatments and procedures. This is accomplished by exposing the students to both empirical and normative accounting research and by creating an awareness of the endogenous factors affecting accounting decisions. Contemporary accounting theories and research methodologies and findings in accounting are introduced to students. It is expected students should understand not only the theoretical foundation of accounting policy and practices but also the development of accounting research in general.

The course covers comprehensively all the key topics in financial accounting and reporting, including those in a group situation with subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures. On completion of the course, students should be able to report financial performance and financial position of business entities and groups, prepare statements of cash flows and changes in equity, following the latest requirements of the accounting standards. They should also be able to critically evaluate and resolve various issues on contemporary accounting, reporting and disclosure requirements.

This course introduces students to the concepts and techniques in making business financial decisions. The course focuses on the following issues concerning corporate financial managers. These include the decision over the means of financing (Financing Decision), the selection of investment projects (Capital Budgeting), and the making of short-term financial decisions (Current Asset Management). Such knowledge should be helpful to students to explore into other Finance subject areas such as Investments, Personal Financial Planning, Banking, Real Estates, Insurance, Derivatives, International Finance, and Risk Management. Although the corporate perspective will be adopted throughout the course, it will become apparent that the theories, concepts, and techniques are applicable to personal and public financial decision-making. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to gain an appreciation of the role of the financial discipline in the overall economic decision-making process.

The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the use of information contained in financial reports in various business decision-making contexts, and how to integrate accounting and finance theories in valuing businesses. This course attempts to introduce some analytical tools commonly used by users of financial statements and business valuation techniques commonly used by professional business analysts and financial brokers. With these tools, users of financial statements will have a better understanding of the financial positions and operating performance of an enterprise. Equipped with a better understanding of the business valuation techniques introduced in this course, students should be able to conduct basic business valuation for different business settings in various industries.

This is another capstone course of the MScAAF programme. The course builds on the core elements or foundation of Finance and Accounting knowledge. The objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge to understand the international financial environment and its impact to Multinational Corporation. The course extends the corporate finance theory from local to international dimension. All traditional areas of corporate finance are approached from the perspective of Multinational Corporation.

This course analyses different principles in the valuation of financial assets including common, preferred stocks and bonds. The development of portfolio concepts and capital market theories are introduced. The issue of market efficiency is investigated while asset pricing models are discussed. Techniques on performance evaluation are introduced and performance of mutual funds is also examined. After completing this course, students should be able to perform sound investment and portfolio analysis.

This course analyses different principles in the valuation of financial assets including common, preferred stocks and bonds. The development of portfolio concepts and capital market theories are introduced. The issue of market efficiency is investigated while asset pricing models are discussed. Techniques on performance evaluation are introduced and performance of mutual funds is also examined. After completing this course, students should be able to perform sound investment and portfolio analysis.

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of strategic management accounting.  It examines the strategy formation processes, including data gathering structures and SWOT analysis.  Performance measurement within the strategic management process will also be examined.  This course also aims to provide an understanding of the management control systems as well as the use of management accounting information in business financial decision making process.  Particular attention is given to the management control environment and process.

Elective Courses (6 units, select any two)*

This course provides students with an understanding of the overall legal framework in which businesses in Hong Kong operate.  Topics include the Hong Kong legal system, contract law, law of tort, consumer laws, employment laws, bribery and corruption laws, and law of agency.  Topics also include the key aspects of company law for company formation, records, share and loan capital, management and administration, liquidation and receivership, and mergers and takeovers.  Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Rules' requirements for public companies are also included.

This course provides a comprehensive overview of policy, regulation, and compliance in the Financial Technology (FinTech) sector. Students will learn about global regulatory frameworks, focusing on Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF), and new licensing and regulatory requirements in digital finance. The course explores traditional compliance in financial institutions, adapting to FinTech advancements, alongside FinTech-specific compliance management strategies. Ethical considerations, consumer protection, and the socio-economic impact of FinTech are also discussed. Through case studies and expert guest lectures, students will gain practical insights into applying regulatory and compliance strategies in FinTech. The course aims to equip students with essential knowledge for navigating and contributing to the regulatory landscape of this dynamic industry.

This course enables students to understand the fundamental concepts in derivatives and risk management and their applications. Derivatives have been used extensively in hedging, arbitrage, speculation, and the design of financial products. Executives with knowledge in derivatives can better assess the risk of a business entity. Precautions of using derivatives will also be emphasised. Besides application of derivatives in risk management, other techniques in risk management are introduced. In the global environment of business, risk management is an indispensable tool for business managers. Students will be able to apply the concepts in this course to real-world situations after completion of this course.

This course enables students to understand the fundamental concepts in derivatives and risk management and their applications. Derivatives have been used extensively in hedging, arbitrage, speculation, and the design of financial products. Executives with knowledge in derivatives can better assess the risk of a business entity. Precautions of using derivatives will also be emphasised. Besides application of derivatives in risk management, other techniques in risk management are introduced. In the global environment of business, risk management is an indispensable tool for business managers. Students will be able to apply the concepts in this course to real-world situations after completion of this course.

This course aims to introduce students the principles and administration of the income tax system of Hong Kong.  This course discusses the general principles of Hong Kong property tax, salaries tax, profits tax, depreciation allowances, and personal assessment.  It also provides students with basics of Hong Kong stamp duty.  This course also aims to provide an understanding of the taxation issues in the international perspective.

This is a three-unit elective course that can be selected under special circumstance while application and approval in advance is required. The independent study or integrative project is designed only for senior executives who may not be able to attend class at the end of programme due to unforeseeable timing conflict with the scheduled class time, or for students who have obtained appropriate prior training on research (proof is needed) and would like to take an individual graduation project concentrating on the integrative application of both accounting and finance knowledge. The independent study/project can be selected to substitute only one elective course.

Non-Unit Bearing Course

AAF seminars deal with contemporary issues in the business community. Speakers include senior business practitioners, visiting academics and faculty members. Besides those seminars and workshops organized by the School, the MScAAF programme would also arrange some seminars specifically related to the field of Accounting and Finance. These activities aim to widen the exposure of the students, and bring them up-to-date in various current business issues. The seminar may have a single speaker or multi speakers with different presentation modes. Students have to participate in at least 3 sessions of seminars and workshops during their study.

* Not all the elective courses listed above will necessarily be offered each year.
** The independent studies/integrated project can only be selected to replace an elective course under special circumstance and advance approval is required.


The awarding of the MScAAF Degree is on the basis of fulfillment of the following graduation requirements and the approval of the Senate.

A candidate should have:

  • Completed an approved programme of study; and
  • Submitted all coursework required; and
  • Obtained a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50.
Academic Distinction Academic Distinction
Academic Distinction

Overall cumulative G.P.A. of 3.67 or above, with no course grade below B- and no repeated courses.

Acaedmic Merit (compressed) Acaedmic Merit (compressed)
Academic Merit

Overall cumulative G.P.A. of 3.40 – 3.66